terça-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2014

Environmental Awareness: Conserving water

Environmental Awareness: Conserving water

          Water is one of the resources necessary for human survival. However, some people 
do not realize its importance, wasting several gallons of water a day with attitudes that could be prevented with small changes. In this page we will give some tips on how to avoid the waste of water in our homes.

1 – Take shorter showers: Baths and long showers use at least 4x the amount of water as a 3-5 minute shower.

2 – Re-use old water: Use the water from the washer again to wash the yard or watering the garden.

3 – Washer dishes once a day: If you're hand-washing, save up your dishes for one wash and use a third the water. You can rinse them throughout the day with warm-up water to make your evening job easier. All rinse water can go in the garden.


4 - Capture rainwater: Install gutters on your roof and drain the rainfall into barrels for use in the garden. One inch of rain falling on one square foot will catch over half a gallon of rain.
          If you have any tips, create a blog post below and help minimize the waste of water in our home, planet Earth.

Matheus Barbosa and Rafael Massoni


2 comentários:

  1. That's a good way to conserve the water, and everybody can do, so, we understand that try to save one piece of the environment is a totally possible thing.

    - Pedro Henrique

  2. Very good. The water is a precious thing. We have to preserve it, but most of the people do nothing. Another good way to conserve water is use it from the shower to do another home activities.

    - Lucas César Felicíssimo
