sexta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2014


      Currently everything is easier due to technology. And with that at an earlier age children are entering the virtual world. And with that comes the consequence of the loss of two pieces of childhood, the creative part and the contact with parents. A very good and healthy way to display that creativity is through imagination. And why not use this for good, having fun while the parents are present? Recycling can be a great answer.
To know how to recycle all waste, to respect the environment, and to know what to do to preserve our nature are some of the teachings that parents can pass on to their children. Only then they'll grow with the mindset that everyone needs to fight and do their part to save and preserve our planet.

But what is recycling? It is to "turn the old new again." To recycle we must learn to separate the types of waste in each particular color, such as: paper in the blue trashcan, glass on the green one, plastic goes in red, yellow for metal and organic materials to brown.

When we create, for example, toys made from recyclable materials, we can teach children the importance of this act for nature, awakening in them the creativity and also strengthening their ties with the family, since the parents will help in the manufacture of the toys.

Karolini Lacerda e Natália Luciane.

2 comentários:

  1. I really like this idea, considering it solves two problems at the same time. The children will benefit a lot from this: it is both a way to pass the time having fun for them, and they're also taking care of the environment around them, where they will probably live for a long time.
    -Pedro Bezerra

  2. This is an excellent way to teach kids how to be concious about nature, as well as teach them to find use to seemingly useless waste
    -Taina Neres
