quarta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2014

The 3 R's

Very simple things can be done to lessen the impact on the environment from our actions, but simple does not mean it's easy to do. The fact is that this requires awareness and willness.
Also known as the three Rs of sustainability (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) are practical actions aimed at establishing a more harmonious relationship between the consumer and the environment.
  • Reduce: Reduce means to purchase goods and services in accordance with our needs to avoid waste, evaluate what is important and what is absolutely superfluous and seek to reduce the latter, in addition to verifying the quality of what you buy and if your quantity is sufficient or exaggerated. A very good example is some fine chocolates. If you go to a store you will see that they are expensive, please notice the giant amount of material for the packaging they use! All that packaging will end up in the trash.
  • Reuse: Remember those cups of curd that ended up being part of the household? This is a classic example of reuse. Reusing means giving a new use for things, preventing them from becoming garbage. But who thinks reuse things is something tacky are sadly mistaken. Several workshops are already using the concept of reuse to develop new parts, as decorative as utilitarian. An idea that can also give you an extra money and still avoid more waste production.
  • Recycle: Finally we come to the last of the R's, but this does not mean it is  less important. Recycle everyone knows what it is. Recycling is the solution to what can not be reused and even depending on the type of material recycling is not the solution. Properly recycle involves a larger network, because first we need collection points to allocate the material, then we need the awareness of people to gather, separate and take to the posts the garbage that can be recycled.

The idea is to minimize the waste that happens in the production, in addition to the degradation of the environment by the extraction of materials. To this we must attack the two ends of the chain, production (involves buying less and better) and the destination (involves transforming waste into new things). Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, despite still being voluntary attitudes of some people, already show signs of being the inevitable attitudes to follow in the future. The shortage of material to produce, pollution of air and water, lack of energy and other factors are leading us down a path that was already forgotten, the path that one day that everything ends,  even though we have large quantity of it .

2 comentários:

  1. I though this post is very pertinent and instructive. I agree and think that the harmony between the consumer an the enviroment has to be re-established.

    -Marina Santos

  2. I agree with your opinion and I also think that it's simple but it's not easy to lessen the impact on the enviroment. The 3R's are really important and your information were very pertinent, thank you.

    -Rafael Matins
