quarta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2014

Selective Waste Collection


Selective waste collection is the collection of recycling materials (paper, plastic, metal and glass) that should not be mixed with general waste from homes or workplace. It begins with the separation of organic and inorganic materials, and then with the right disposition for reuse and recycling. 

    People should make the separation in their homes and the waste of selective collection are sent to the central screening. This previously separated and collected material in homes and businesses will be divided according to the type, only to be pressed and subsequently sold to recycling companies.

   People should take some precautions with household waste. Simple lamps, glasses, crockery and glass packaging may not look dangerous, but are a potential risk as they can break when you handle then. We must seek a more rigid material for packaging, such as paper, cardboard, cans, plastic bottles or milk cartons. Broken glass can be packed in cans of milk powder or chocolate. Another possibility is to cut in half a milk carton, promoting a snap. 
     We can say that the selective collection has several benefits for the population, such as: Increased service life of landfills from the reduction of waste that will no longer go to these sites and increasing the life cycle of the raw materials of each waste collected and recycled.

Marina Santos and Rafael Martins

3 comentários:

  1. It's a very interesting post. The idea of talking about selective waste collection is amazing, and you approached it very well. This was a good way to aware people about recycling

    Vitor Lamartine

  2. I think that this post is very informative. It is nice to see that are people who still care about the environment like I do. Can you provide us with more information? Loved it!

    Laura Coelho

  3. The selective waste collection really benefits the society and people need to think more about this and separate their garbage because it's really important to the environment.

    João Paulo
